The Influence of Organization Culture, Personal Competence and Knowledge Management on Safety Behaviour of Employees in an Automotive Parts Manufacturing Company in the Eastern Seaboard Industrial Estate (Rayong)

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Somnuek Phoophuak
Sumalee Ramanust
Thanyanan Boonyoo


The objectives of this research is to 1) investigate the level of the organizational culture, personal competence, knowledge management affecting the safety behaviour, 2) analyze knowledge management as the mediator between the organizational culture and the safety behaviour, and 3) analyze the personal competence as the mediator between the organizational culture and the safety behaviour of employees of an automotive parts company in the Eastern Seaboard Industrial Estate, Rayong Province. The samples used in the research were 180 employees of an auto parts manufacturing company in the Eastern Seaboard Industrial Estate, Rayong Province. The statistics used  were frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The structural equation model (SEM) was analyzed by using the Smart PLS 3.0 program.

            The results found that  1) the majority of the respondents possessed the overall level of the organizational culture, personal competence, knowledge management and safety behaviour  at a high level with the mean of 4.25, 4.39, 4.16 and 4.50, respectively, and the standard deviations of 0.863, 0.709, 0.833 and 0.714, respectively, 2) the knowledge management as the mediator affected between the organizational culture and the safety behaviour , and 3) the personal competence as the mediator affected between the organizational culture and the safety behaviour at work. In conclusion, these three attributes contributed to the safety behaviour. Once an organization had created the knowledge management and the personal competence were continuously developed, the organization  could gain sustainable competitive advantage, and increase continuously the awareness  of safety at work  as well.

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