A Model of Educational Quality Development the Small-Sized Schools in the Lower Northern Region

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Siriphorn Phonprasert
Phruitthiphon Phruitthikul
Parichart Teacha


The purposes of this research were 1) to study the condition of educational quality development of small-sized model schools in the lower northern region 2) to create a system for improving the educational quality of small-sized model schools in the lower northern region 3) to evaluate the educational quality development system and the manuals of educational quality development of small-sized model schools in the lower northern region and 4) to study the results of using the educational quality development system and the manual of educational quality development of small-sized model schools in the lower northern region. The research procedures consisted of fours steps: 1) to study the condition of educational quality development of small-sized model schools in the lower northern region by using interview method of five small-sized model schools in the lower northern region and organize group discussions. 2) to create a system for improving the educational quality of the small-sized model schools in the lower northern region by analyzing the documents and interviewing experts and examining the format by organizing a seminar based. 3) to evaluate the educational quality development system and the manual of educational quality development of small-sized model schools in the lower northern region using public hearing and 4) to study the results of using the educational quality development system and the manuals of educational quality development of small-sized model schools in the lower northern.

The results of research were as follows:

The results of this study on the condition of educational quality development of small-sized model schools in the lower northern region found that educational quality development of the small sized model schools in the lower northern region used the principle of participatory management as the main principle in the management of the school, focusing on teamwork, establishing educational system. And the administrator had many important leadership qualities and use technology to manage and improve the quality of school education. The model for improving the educational quality of small-sized model schools in the lower northern region consisted of six factors. The results of the assessment of the educational quality development of small-sized model schools in the lower northern region by assessing the possibility and usefulness found that the overall probability was at the highest level and the usefulness was at a high level. The results of using educational quality development system and the manuals found that the overall usefulness was at the high level and the preparation of manuals was accurate and appropriate at the highest level.

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