Corporate Governance to Profitability of the Listed Companies on the Stock Exchange of Thailand

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Wittaya Junklai
Chaiwut Janma
Pisamai Jarujittipan


A study on Corporate Governance to Profitability of the Listed Companies on the Stock Exchange of Thailand, the purpose of this studying is to examine the Corporate Governance factors influence to the Profitability of the listed companies. The return on asset ratio is used as a measurement to profitability. The sample consisted of 600 listed companies during the year 2015 – 2019, totaling 3,000 samples, and using multiple regression analysis to analyze. The results exhibited that Corporate Governance factors as percentage of the top 5 major shareholders, percentage of board of directors' shareholding and Corporate Governance assessment scores influenced positively to the return on assets at 99% confidence level. But the board of director’s meeting was negatively. While the board of director number and compensations influenced positively to the return on assets at 95% confidence level. However, there were not the influences between the proportion of non-executive directors, merger of chairman and president, number of independent directors and the return on assets.

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