Online Teaching Components (E-learning) Influencing the Learning Outcomes of Thai Qualification Framework for Higher Education in Digital Era

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Yootanat Boonyachai


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the opinions about the components of online teaching (e-learning) for students. 2) to study the opinions about online teaching (e-learning) in accordance with learning outcomes of Thai qualification framework for higher education for teachers and students. 3) to study the components of online teaching (e-learning) for students influencing the learning outcomes of Thai qualification framework for higher education. Regarding the research methodology, both quantitative and qualitative research was applied. The sample was 400 undergraduate students and 12 lecturers. The tools of this research were a questionnaire and in-depth interview. The statistics used were frequency, percentage, means, standard deviation and multiple regression analysis coefficient with statistically significant level of 0.05. The results showed that 1) the opinion about the component of online teaching (e-learning) 1st rank was the communication system and learning interaction. 2) the opinion about online teaching (e-learning) in accordance with learning outcomes of Thai qualification framework for higher education 1st rank was interpersonal skills and responsibility. 3) components include content/learning materials, information system/communication, communication system/educational interactions and teacher/learner were able to predict 62.7 percent of their influence on the learning outcomes of Thai qualification framework for higher education and the equation of standard score was Y=0.214 (X1)+0.243 (X2)+0.125(X3)+0.137(X6)

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