An Empirical Investigation of Brand Factors and Online Impulse Buying: The Mediating Role of Psychological Factors

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Punchaya Hiranrithikorn
Jantima Banjongprasert


Today's digital technology has a major effect on people's lifestyles. Furthermore, technology has altered people's lifestyles, which is why they now choose to utilize and consume more items and services online. In the face of ever-increasing competition, online firms must adapt by depending on technology and picking these technologies to drive their enterprises. Businesses utilize a variety of marketing methods. A business's brand is one of the most essential aspects in its success. However, there has been little study on online impulse buying, particularly on brand and psychological factors. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine four areas of interest in the field of impulse purchasing: first, the influence of brand factors on psychological factors; second, the influence of brand factors on consumers' online impulsive buying; third, the influence of psychological variables on impulse buyin; fourth, psychological factors mediate the relationship between brand factors and online impulse purchases.  The research tool was online questionnaires to collect data for this study. The 400 respondents corresponded to the desired sample size from consumers who have experience shopping beauty products online. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to analyze the data. The findings revealed that brand factors had a positive direct influence on psychological factors. Brand factors had a positive direct influence on online impulse buying. Psychological factors had no  positive direct influence on online impulse buying and psychological factors mediated direct influence between brand factors and online impulse buying.

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