Development of Tanee Siam Brand using the Circular Economy Based on the Wisdom for Sustainable Development Under the Covid-19 Situation of Baan Chang Sakul Baisri Community Enterprise of Chet Samian Sub-district, Photharam District, Ratchaburi Province

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Tassanee Naksanee
Thanakorn Sodsai


This research aims to 1) examine the background information, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threat involving the operation of Baan Chang Sakul Baisri Community Enterprise, and 2) analyze a guideline for developing the Tanee Siam Brand, using the circular economy based on the wisdom for sustainable development. This is a quantitative research project. The researcher conducted an in-depth interview with 30 key informants, using a quasi-structured questionnaire whose content validity had been reviewed by 3 experts. The  data received were analyzed using the content analysis technique and data triangulation. The result revealed that the operation of Baan Chang Sakul Baisri Community Enterprise was severely affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic. The pandemic affected the Community Enterprise’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threat all alike and, as a result, the Community Enterprise had to adjust its operation to ensure its survivability. It did so by implementing a product development process that was based on the local, original wisdom that had evolved into modern wisdom, including 1) management, 2) product development, 3) wisdom transferring, and 4) creation of the circular economy. The Community Enterprise enhanced the charm of their brand by presenting the background story telling of their product development under the concepts of, for example, From Belief to Fashion, Easy-Peasy Helping the Community, or Innovation of the Banana Queen, in a meaningful way. As a result, the Community Enterprise successfully developed new products, while caring for the environment and alleviating the local economy, using innovative methods than the original agricultural concepts.

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