Development of Learning Management in the 21st Century Using the Professional Learning Community (PLC)

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Somchai Usuwan
Kisda Pongpitaya
Somchai Thepsaeng


The development of learning management in the 21st century using the Professional Learning Community (PLC) is crucial as it will serve as a guideline for formulation of educational policies and the learning process of teachers to be consistent with Thai education in the 21st century. This means that for students to improve their accomplishment and competency growth, their ability to learn must be developed through collaborative learning and teamwork. Key attributes according to the goals of the educational management development using a community of professional learning (Professional Learning Community: PLC) consists of four components: 1) shared leadership, 2) work participation, 3) shared values and vision and 4) exchanging knowledge, and focus on learning management in 5 areas: 1) educational curriculum development 2) preparation of a learning management plan 3) student-centered learning management 4) the use of media and information technology, and 5) learning resources that facilitate learning and various methods of measurement and evaluation.

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