The Influence of Perception, Attitude and Behavior Affecting to Gastronomic Tourism Decisions of Thai Tourists in Phuket
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The research aimed to examine the level of perception, attitude, and behavior affecting to gastronomic tourism decisions of Thai tourists in Phuket and to investigate the influence of perception, attitude, and behavior affecting to gastronomic tourism decisions of Thai tourists in Phuket. The samples for this study were 400 Thai tourists traveling to Phuket to taste the local food, chosen by stratified sampling method and the convenient random sampling method, respectively. The research tool was the questionnaires. The data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation, and Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. The results found that 1) In terms of the overall level of perception, attitude and behavior affecting the respondents’ gastronomic tourism decision to Phuket, the overall level of perception and behavior were found at a moderate level, while the overall level of attitude was at a high level. 2) Perception had an influence on gastronomic tourism decisions at the statistically significant level .01 3) Attitude had an influence on gastronomic tourism decisions at the statistically significant level .01 4) Behavior had an influence on gastronomic tourism decisions at the statistically significant level .01
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