Capabilities Needed for Organizers to Create Own Exhibitions toward Business Sustainability

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Suhbpong Smithtun
Kaedsiri Jaroenwisan
Santidhorn Puripakdee


This qualitative research is part of the Ph.D. dissertation with objectives 1) to discover capabilities needed for organizers to create own exhibitions, and 2) to propose a capability development model that leads organizers toward business sustainability. This research applies content analysis approach with an in-depth interview technique. Key informants are 14 exhibition organizers, who have offices in Thailand. Seven of them have own exhibitions while the remaining do not. The result showed that there are 6 capabilities needed for organizers to create own exhibitions which are 1) initiatives, 2) industry’s skills and knowledge, 3) staff development, 4) good management, 5) customer relationship management, and 6) rapid adaptability. With these capabilities, development model toward business sustainability is proposed under 4 groups, which are Knowledge, Skill, Qualification, and Drive. 

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