The study of relationship between the Code of Ethics of School Administrator and the work motivation of teachers at schools in Sai Mai district in Bangkok

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Wanida Binnakan
Pitchayanan Vongneam
Jirayu Thongchub


The objectives of this research were to learn about the code of ethics of school administrators, to look into teachers’ work motivation, and to examine the relationship between the ethics of school administrators and the work motivation of teachers at schools in Sai Mai district in Bangkok by using Quantitative Research.  The sample group in this research was 234 teachers within 9 schools in Sai Mai district in Bangkok by using Simple Random Sampling with the Krejcie and Morgan. The analytical questionnaire used as the study tool.  The data received were analyzed for frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Pearson’s correlation coefficient. The results indicated that the code of ethics of school administrator at schools in Sai Mai district in Bangkok as a whole, and each aspect was at the highest level indicating in descending order of mean as follows: the ethics for profession, the ethics for service recipients, the ethics for society, the ethics for professional participants, and ethics for self. The work motivation of teachers at schools in Sai Mai district in Bangkok as a whole, and each aspect was at the highest level indicating in descending order of mean as follows: the success in work, the performance, the responsibility, the respect, and the advancement in the job position. Furthermore, the code of ethics of school administrators affected the work motivation of teachers at schools in Sai Mai district in Bangkok at statistically significant of 0.01 level.    

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