Factors Affecting the Tourist Decision to Use Services of Pool Villa in Nakhon Pathom Province during the COVID-19

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Surasit Udomthanavong
Arin Naranong
Cholticha Chaowaipoj


The objectives of this research were to 1) to analyze the behavior of the tourist decision in using the pool villa service in Nakhon Pathom Province during the COVID -19 and to 2) analyze the factors affecting the decision to use the pool villa service of the Tourists in Nakhon Pathom Province during the COVID - 19.  The research methodology was a survey research.  The questionnaire was the research tool.  The samples were 390 Thai tourists who came to use pool villa accommodation in Nakhon Pathom Province during the COVID - 19 using random multistage sampling method, which was grouped by administrative at Nakhon Pathom Province. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean and standard deviation.

The findings showed that the majority of the respondents visited for 1-2 nights, with the intention of using the pool villa service, primary for rest/socialization. They paid a service fees between 2,501 -  3,500 baht/visit.Their motivation to employ the service was because of the pool villa environment. The majority of them made the reservation for pool villa online.They often came to use the service of the pool villa with family and friends. The results found that the promotion (gif.latex?\beta= 0.048) had no impact on the decision to use the pool villa. The electronic word of mouth   (gif.latex?\beta =0.363) and safety confidence (gif.latex?\beta = 0.466) had the impact on the decision to use the pool villa at statistically significant level of 0.01.

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