The Impacts of the Seizure of Power by NCPO on News Presentation of Local Media in the Eastern Region of Thailand

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Songyot Buaphuean


The study on "The Impacts of the Seizure of Power by NCPO on News Presentation of Local Media in the Eastern Region of Thailand” was a qualitative study using in-depth interviews with the local Media in the eastern region of Thailand as key informants. These people were interviewed about political news reporting during the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) administration. The results involved political news reporting in a local level which covered 3 topics including 1) less coverage of local politicians by local media. 2) impacts on news presentation about local politicians who retired from offices and the local politicians who refrained from political activities 3) impacts on local reporters – they had to work harder and refrain their mass media roles 3) impacts on the presentation of the local project progress reports - the    Coup d’ état halted the local projects, slowed the economy and forced local media to cover news of people’s complaints.

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