The Association between the 5A’s Customer Path and Generation Z’s Online Consumer Behavior in Using and Purchasing Thai Commercial Banks' Products through Mobile Banking Applications
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The purposes of this research were to: 1) investigate the generation Z’s opinions on online consumer behavior in using and purchasing Thai commercial banks' products through mobile banking applications, 2) investigate the relationship between the 5A’s customer path and generation Z’s online consumer behavior in using and purchasing Thai commercial banks' products using mobile banking applications, and to 3) propose guidelines for generation Z customers’ uses of and purchases of Thai commercial banks' products through mobile banking applications. The research sample consisted of 452 Thai mobile banking application users who were 15–25 years of age in 2022 obtained by stratified random sampling method. The research instrument was a questionnaire. Percentage, mean, standard deviation, and multiple linear regression analysis were used in analyzing the data.
The research findings revealed that: 1) the majority of the respondents strongly agreed with the highest mean score that they had the autonomy to browse the bank’s products and services ( = 4.46). They agreed that they were encouraged to buy products and services on mobile banking applications (
=3.95) with the lowest mean score; and 2) each phase of 5A’s customer path associated with generation Z’s online consumer behavior at a significant level of .05 with the highest association level: Appeal (
= 0.633, t = 17.324), followed by Ask (
= 0.585, t = 15.347), Act (
= 0.580, t = 15.124), Advocate (
= 0.555, t = 14.276), and Awareness (
= 0.533, t = 13.352), respectively, and 3) depending on the needs of the customer, the products and services offered, and various business circumstances, the relevance of each phase should be adjusted by Thai commercial bank
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