Brand Equity Affecting the Brand Loyalty of Thai Tourists in Selecting the Boutique Hotel in Phuket Province

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Darunee Mukem
Watcharin Keadsap


The objectives of this survey research was to find out how Thai tourists responded to brand equity, brand loyalty, and how brand equity affected brand loyalty of Thai tourists in selecting the boutique hotel in Phuket. The sample was made up of 424 people using a two-stage sampling method. The questionnaire served as the research tool. The data received were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and multiple regression analysis. 

The results revealed that the overall opinions of the majority of the respondents on brand equity and brand loyalty were at the agreed level (gif.latex?\bar{x&space;}=4.34, 4.24).  According to the weight of the impact results, the brand equity had an impact on the brand loyalty in descending order, as follows: physical service quality (Beta=.390), lifestyle congruence (Beta=.367), ideal self-congruence (Beta=.173), and service quality behavior of the staff (Beta=.102) at statistically significant level of .05.  Additionally, the result showed that the multiple regression analysis had an Adjusted R Square coefficient of 71.2%, demonstrating that one-sided brand equity could predict a 71.2 % variation in brand loyalty.  Other variables were responsible for the remaining 28.8%.

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