Model of Training for Capacity Building in Practice Teacher of The Undergraduate Students of Education Program in Physical Education and Sports Science Program at North Bangkok University

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Tuwanan Ratthananinanan
Suntorn Pantang
Phetcharawalai Thirawanutpong


The objectives of this research were to 1) develop the training model for ability building to enhance competency in professional teaching experience of the students in Bachelor’s Degree Program in Education,  Department of Physical Education and Sports Science North Bangkok University, 2) compare training achievements for enhancing competency in professional teaching experience of  the students in Bachelor’s Degree Program in Education, Department of Physical Education and Sports Science North Bangkok University, 3) examine the satisfaction of the trainees to enhance competency in professional teaching experience  of students in the Bachelor of Education Program. Department of Physical Education and Sports Science North Bangkok University.  The experimental group consisted of 43 students in practice teaching program of Physical Education and Sports Science, practice selected by purposive sampling method.

The results showed that,

1.In terms of the evaluation on the appropriateness of outline content of the training format by experts on all 13 items, the result showed that the overall average was ( gif.latex?\bar{x} = 3.79, SD= 0.29) at a good level.

2.In terms of the overall achievement before - after training, the result showed that the overall achievement after receiving the training was higher than the achievement before receiving the training at statistically significant level. When considering each aspect, it was found that the average value of the knowledge after receiving the training was higher than before receiving training at statistical significance of .00 level.

3.In terms of the satisfaction level of the participants to enhance competency in the teaching professional experience, the result showed that the average value was (gif.latex?\bar{x}  = 4.58 SD= 0.08) at the highest level.

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