Behavior in Using Financial Transaction Services on Mobile Phones of Generation Y Consumers in Tak

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Wipawan Pisitwej


The objectives of this research was to investigate the behavior in using financial transaction services on mobile phones of Generation Y consumers in Tak.  400 Generation Y consumers selected as the samples of the study.  The statistics used were frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation, and chi-square. The results showed that most of the respondents used Kasikorn Bank services with a service period of 1-2 years, using them to transfer money between accounts, the amount per time was 1,000-5,000 baht, paying for services by debiting cash from the account, at  uncertain periods, with less than 5 minutes  per service.  In terms of factors affecting the overall decision, it was at a high level with an average of 4.05. The first factor was the service and auditing financial information via mobile applications at any time.  Next on down were: the factor of system of fast transaction, the factor of data quality that the information was updated in time to meet the demand and the factor of utilization with overall satisfaction. In terms of the impact on decision-making, the results found that the respondents who were from different gender, age, education, occupation, average monthly income affected the decision-making behavior, data quality, system, service, and utilization  factors, with a statistically significant level of .05.

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