The Influence of Marketing Mix Factors on Purchasing Behavior Via Shopping Application of Consumers in The New Normal Era
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This research aims to 1) examine the marketing mix factor level of shopping applications, 2) examine the consumer purchasing behaviors via shopping applications, 3) compare the marketing mix factors of consumers classified by personal factors, 4) compare the consumer’s purchasing behavior via shopping applications classified by personal factors, and 5) analyze the marketing mix factors affecting consumers' purchasing behavior via shopping applications. An online questionnaire was used to collect data from 581 consumers, who had experiences on shopping applications chosen by convenience sampling method. The data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, One-way ANOVA, LSD, Dunnett C, and multiple regression analysis.
The results showed that the majority of the respondents gave high importance to the overall marketing mix and at each aspect. Regarding each aspect, the channel of distribution was at the highest level, followed by the privacy aspect, and the personal aspect was at the lowest level. As for the respondent purchasing behavior via shopping applications, the result was found at high level. The respondents who were from different age group and average monthly income had different opinions on the aspect of personnel. The respondents with different education levels had different purchasing behaviors via shopping applications at statistically significant level of .05. Using multiple regression correlation coefficients, the overall marketing mix factors had the power to identify the dependent variable 61 percent. In addition, the result showed that the aspects of process, marketing promotion, personnel, and prices affected the respondents’ purchasing behavior via shopping applications at statistically significant level of .01.
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