The Effects of Using Learnin Package “Origami Transforming Paper” on Emotional Quotient of Early Childhood
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The objectives of this research are to 1) create and assess the effectiveness of the learning package. “Origami Paper” on Emotional Intelligence of Early Childhood Children, 2) examine the emotional intelligence of early childhood children by contrasting the data obtained from the "Origami Paper" learning set before and after, and to 3) present guidelines for developing emotional intelligence of early childhood children. The target groups for this study were boys and girls aged between 5-6 years living in Watcharapol 3 Community, Soi Chatuchot 20, Or-Ngoen Subdistrict, Sai Mai District, Bangkok, who received informed consent from the parents of the target children of 45 people. The tools used in the research were: Learning set "Origami Paper" along with a manual for using the learning set, and Emotional Intelligence Assessment for Early Childhood Children to develop emotional intelligence of early childhood children. Quantitative data were analyzed by means of average, standard deviation, and the qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis.
The results of the research revealed that using “Origami paper” to develop the emotional intelligence of early childhood children produced an efficiency of 82.47/84.42, meeting the 80/80 efficiency criteria. After the experiment, the early childhood students who were instructed to use "Origami Paper" learning packages to enhance their emotional intelligence scored on average higher than they had previously. According to the expert opinions on 1) the development of emotional intelligence in early childhood children, the findings indicated that teachers should help children to identify their own emotions by letting them play with their friends, modelling kindness, sharing knowledge, being helpful to others, and accepting of their mistakes; 2) the development of emotional self-control, the result revealed that teachers should teach children to be patient and learn to wait; 3) Understanding others, teachers should instill in their students empathy for others, teach them to live happy, and motivate them to engage in physical activity. and 4) the development of human relationship, the teachers should encourage children to take part in school activities with other students, teachers, and people in the community.
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