The Effect of Phenomenon-Based Learning Experience Provision for The Development Problem-Solving Skills in Early Childhood
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The purpose of this study is to arrange early childhood problem-solving experiences through the use of phenomenon-based learning experiences. The target group consisted of 25 male and female, age 4 to 5 pre-school children, who were studying in kindergarten level 2 in the first semester of the academic year of 2023 in Ban Pa Wang Kwang School, Saraburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2.The research tools included 24 phenomenon-based experience plans, and a form to assess the problem-solving skills of early childhood children. Quantitative data analysis using the average, standard deviation, and qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis and descriptive analysis.
The results of the study found that the early childhood children who received a phenomenon-based experience had higher problem-solving skills, both overall and in particular area than they had prior to the organized activity. The step with the highest average score after the experiment was the implementation and review of guidelines, followed by problem identification, searching for ways to solve problems, and brainstorming to find solutions, respectively.
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