Quality Level and Factors Affecting to Intention and Satisfaction of Using the “MohPrompt” System: A Case Study in Bangkok
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The “MohPrompt” application is a system developed by the Ministry of Public Health of Thailand to communicate information of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Thailand and to administer the COVID-19 vaccine to the public. The “MohPrompt” application, therefore, is a one-stop-service system that covers the service of booking appointments, reporting side effects after vaccination, and requesting vaccination certificates. The objectives of this study are to 1) examine the level of quality affecting user intention to use and satisfaction on the “MohPrompt” application in Bangkok, 2) analyze the factors influencing the user’s intention to use and satisfaction on the “MohPrompt” application in Bangkok, and 3) collect suggestions to develop the quality of the “MohPrompt” application.
This study employed a quantitative research approach. The population was 6.5 M users who used the application in Bangkok with 400 samples calculated from Yamane (1973) formula. A multi-stage sampling method was used to collect data. The statistics used for this research were percentages, means, standard deviations, influence coefficient (), and squared Multiple Correlation (R2) with the structural equation modeling (SEM) based on the research conceptual framework at the significance level of .05.
The results showed that the mean level of quality factors affecting user intention to use and satisfaction with the “MohPrompt” application in Bangkok were high (mean = 3.75). When considering each level of quality, it was found that all levels of quality’s means were high: Information Quality (IQ) mean = 3.90, Data Quality (DQ) mean = 3.86, System Quality (SQ) mean = 3.78, Net Benefit (NET) mean = 3.77, Perception Security Privacy (PSP) mean = 3.67, User Satisfaction (SAT) mean = 3.66, and Intention to Use (USE) mean = 3.62 (lowest). However, it was revealed that only 8 out of 10 factors had statistically significant influence coefficients () at the .05 level. In other words, Perception Security Privacy (PSP), Information quality factors (IQ), and Data quality factors (DQ) had an impact on the quality that affected the intention to use the system (USE) with influence coefficients (
) of 0.42, 0.37, and 0.19, respectively with the R2 of 0.59. Furthermore, Information quality factors (IQ), Perception Security Privacy (PSP), and Data quality factors (DQ) had an impact on the quality that affected system satisfaction (SAT) with influence coefficients (
) of 0.42, 0.41, and 0.17 respectively with the R2 of 0.64. While The USE and SAT factors influenced the quality that affected the perceived net benefits (NET), with an influence coefficient (b) of 0.29 and 0.92 respectively. Nevertheless, two factors that did not have statistically significant influence coefficients (
) at the .05 level were system quality (SQ) having no influence on the quality that affected the intention to use the system (USE) with an influence coefficient (
) of 0.09 (P = 0.178) and system quality (SQ) having no influence on the quality that affected the satisfaction of using the system (SAT) with an influence coefficient (b) of 0.11 (P = 0.077).
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