Factors Affecting Customer Relationship Management in the New Normal Era of Japanese Food Business in Bangkok
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This study aims to investigate three factors affecting the customer relationship management in the New Normal era of Japanese food business in Bangkok. These three factors are: 1) customer behavior 2) customer loyalty and 3) customer trust. The sample group consisted of 400 individuals who lived in Bangkok, placed orders more than six times, and used the food delivery services between January and March of 2024. The study instrument used to gather data was a questionnaire. Descriptive and inferential statistics, including multiple linear regression to test the hypothesis, were employed in the data analysis. The research results indicated that the behavior of the respondents affecting the customer relationship management in the New Normal era of Japanese food business in Bangkok at a high level. Before placing their order, they evaluated the costs of food delivery from each establishment. Regarding customer loyalty, the majority of respondents preferred the restaurant brand's acceptable quality. In terms of customer trust, the restaurant possessed a distinctive trademark. As far as the customer relationship management was concerned, the restaurant kept complaints confidential. According to the results of the hypothesis testing, customer behavior, customer loyalty and customer trust affected customer relationship management in the New Normal era of the Japanese food business in Bangkok. Accordingly, these factors could predict 14.40, 44.30 and 53.20 percent, respectively. Regarding the customer relationship management guidelines, the result showed that the entrepreneurs required to prioritize their customers. Employees should be honest, have a service mindset and be attentive in order to deliver services.
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