The Study of Quality of life of the Members of Thasae Estate Cooperative Limited Chumphon Province

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Sivakorn Pholsukkarn
Watchara Sinlapasaweat


This research have a purpose (1) To study the factors of personal  quality of life of the members of Tha sae Estate Cooperative Limited, (2) Quality levels of life of members of Tha sae Estate Cooperative Limited.and (3) Comparison of the quality of life of the members of Tha sae Estate Cooperative Limited., based on demographic characteristics in term of sex, age, occupation, income, marital status, education level and housing characteristics. The total 354 samples under simple random sampling are studied. The questionnaires are utilized to collect the data. Data analysis and statistics procedure is descriptive statistics.  The research results show that 1) The majority of the sample are male who are in the age betwee 40 to 49. There are 123 samples. 216 samples of the total samples have educational level in primary school. 297 sample of the total samples are in marriage status. The samples who receive the average monthly income between 10,001 - 20,000 baht are 170 samples . There are  281 samples who are farmers / gardeners. 314 samples live in their own houses. The information of the quality level of life in various aspects also shows as follows. 2) The value of the quality of  life in term of family is the highest at the value at of (  = 3.97, S.D. = 0.64) The value of the quality of life in term of health is ( equation = 3.39, S.D. = 0.63. the value of the quality of life in term of economic security is ( equation = 3.16, S.D. = 0.61) the value of the quality of life in term of community life is ( equation= 3.25, S.D. = 0.64) the lowest value of the quality of life in term of working life is ( equation = 2.82, S.D. = 0.67) 3) Comparing the quality of life of members of the Tha Sae Settlement Cooperative Limited, it was found that differences between gender, age, education level, status, occupation, residential have the same quality of life. Different monthly incomes have different quality of life. The testing of the difference is statistically  significant at  0.05 level.

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