Saudi Arabia Vision 2030 towards the Opportunities of Halal Industry in Thailand
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The article on “Saudi Arabia Vision 2030 towards the Opportunities of Halal Industry in Thailand” aims to examine the vision 2030 of Saudi Arabia and evaluate the halal industries of Thailand in Saudi Arabian’s market. The trend of Thai-Saudi relations appears to be on the rise after the return of their relationship in 2022, which brings more opportunities for the two countries to collaborate in all dimensions. The methodology of this study was primary involved collecting data from the documents, government policies and analyzed the scenario of international relations. The study found that Halal industries in Thailand have been prepared for Saudi’s market by the Central Islamic Council of Thailand which is the main body responsible for establishing standards and preparing Thailand's halal sectors to received the permission from the Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA). As a result, the products under the verification from the CICOT have also been permitted to export to the Saudi’s market which could encourage more entrepreneurship to engage in the halal exporting and enhance the increasing trend.
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