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Are Functional and Structural Explanations Causal Explanations?
The debates about functional and structural explanations whether they are causal explanation , and have value to social sciences or not, have been occasionally occurred within the realm of philosophy of social sciences. This article demonstrated that the features of functional and structural explanations are both causal and non-causal explanations. Both are valuable to social science in different ways. The causal explanation contributes to explain patterns of causes and effects linking the processes of formation, existence, and change of social phenomena. The non-causal explanation, on the other hand, makes possible to understand holism and social reality in different dimensions which lead to make more tolerance among social groups.
Article Details
Every article published in the Romphruek Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences is the opinion and point of view of the authors. Thery're not the viewpoint of Krirk University or the editored department. Any part or all of the articles for pablication must be clearly cited.