Creation of Performances from The Tone Play Banssukkang Tombontakhu Pakthongchai District, Nakhon Ratchasima

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naipaporn chutipada
Sakulrat Onsuntia
Nat Sitthisuea


Research on playing The Tone, Sukkhang Village, Tam Taku, Pak Thong Chai District Nakhon Ratchasima Province The objective is to study the history and methods of playing The Tone. and to find ways to create a show by collecting documentary information Interviews with Experienced Players in The Tone non-participant observation and simulation.

              The results showed that The Tone is a play for the Lao Vieng ethnic group. who migrated from Vientiane since the reign of King Taksin the Great Currently lives in Pak Thong Chai District. Nakhon Ratchasima Province Such plays are held during the Songkran tradition. Its purpose is to provide opportunities for young people to meet each other. in which the women will group together to beat the tone When the men hear the tone, they will come out to join play at the girl's house with a group playing The Tone. During the play of The Tone, there will also be folk games such as worm play (playing one-legged rabbit), luk chuang, cow hide, and buffalo hide (playing tug of war). Order of the winning side and the uniqueness that is evident in playing the tone is that there will be no singing, just the beat of the tone in different rhythms. For fun only This is different from the Korat folk dance that has beaten tones and sings and dances as well. Therefore, when analyzing the performance elements in the creative design experiment Therefore, the researcher found that the guidelines for creating the performance are as follows: 1. The idea of ​​creating a performance from folk games. 2. The concept of presenting the identity of the Lao Wiang people. 3. Using the concept of postmodern dance in the postmodern period. 4. Using the principles of writing a drama project.

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Research Articles (บทความวิจัย)


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