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This research presents the creation of a jazz guitar instrumental using the Thai phonetics. The objectives of this research were: 1.) to create a jazz guitar composing method based on the concept of Thai phonetics 2.) to create a jazz guitar composition process based on the concept of Thai phonetics By studying the creation of music composition in various forms, the researcher has created music with new perspectives and more variety. There are sciences and arts from fields other than music itself. as a tool to create music that is not monotonous Therefore, the researcher foresees that the beauty of music and the interestingness of the Thai phonetics. Able to bring what is a concept to develop into a tangible work of art in the form of a way of creating musical compositions.
The researcher found The creation of a jazz guitar instrumental based on the Thai phonetics requires the creation of a display table and comparison in a form based on music theory. There are examples to be used as raw materials for compositions, including 1.) creating rhythms based on vowel sounds. 2.) Harmonic construction based on initial consonants, spelled consonants and tones 3.) Harmonic construction based on harmonic compositions and tempo predetermined from Steps 1 and 2 with arrangements from the musician's improvisation. Including giving examples of the use of words in the Thai phonetics to compose a song as a guide to study the steps and processes that are important to the creation of a song. Therefore, the researcher sees that the creation of this essay is an experimental content, it is necessary to use existing principles along with new creative ideas openly.
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