Knowledge Management Innovation of Small Hotels to Stimulate the Economy to Local Tourism, Greater Mekong Sub Region Tourism Development Area

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Penpaksina Wicheanwan
Wipada Mukda


The purposes of the research were 1. to study for the process of creating a knowledge management innovation plan management of small hotels in the area 2. to generate a knowledge management innovation plan for small hotel management to boost local tourism economy in the greater Mekong sub region tourism development area. This study was conducted using qualitative data, were collected by in-depth interviews, focus group and using content analysis. The key informants are 54 from hotel executives or representatives, and 50 from tourists, tour guides or tour operators, representative from the provincial office of tourism and sports, expert’s qualified and research users.

The research results showed that: 1. The process of creating an innovation plan includes goal setting, operation, evaluation, summary of performance 2. Innovation plans: 1) The newness of small hotel management, the goal or scope is something new that is developed based on research results which may look like a product, service or process which can be improved from the original or developed a new one. 2) The management of small hotels to provide economic benefits, the goal or scope is to create additional value by developing new things which the potential benefits can be measured directly in monetary terms or not directly in cash or the ability or the ability to create value for the business to create value that surpasses competitors effectively, the competitiveness of the business is even more high or the value that customers receive from the consumption of goods and services that exist in the current hotel business. 3) To use knowledge and creativity in the management of small hotels, the goal or scope is the result of using knowledge and creativity as the basis for new development which is not due to imitation, duplication in terms of management/ cost/marketing/customer loyalty or using creative ideas to create services between service providers and service recipients, this results in the novelty of niche or individual services. The evaluation is to comply with relevant standards in normal circumstances, including: ASEAN mutual recognition arrangement, accommodation standards for tourism standard type of 2-star hotel, community-based tourist attraction management standard. While the evaluation of various plans in accordance with the relevant standards after the COVID-19 crisis are Amazing Thailand Safety & Health Administration (SHA) and SHA Plus.    

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Research Articles (บทความวิจัย)


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