A study of the Adversity Quotient of students in the Faculty of Education Sisaket Rajabhat University
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The purposes of this research were 1) to study the level of Adversity Quotient of students in the Faculty of Education Sisaket Rajabhat University 2) compared mean scores of Adversity Quotient among of students in the Faculty of Education Sisaket Rajabhat University with different sex. This study was research with the sample group consisted of 325 subjects of Faculty of Education students Sisaket Rajabhat University Year 1 derived from Multi-stage Sampling. The research instruments were the Adversity Quotient assessment of 30 item test with a confidence value Reliability of questionnaire was 0.82. The data were analyzed by average, standard deviation, and independent t-test.
The results of this research showed that students in the Faculty of Education Sisaket Rajabhat University have high overall Adversity Quotient with the highest individual mean in the ability to control obstacles had the highest average followed by ability to endure and withstand problems and obstacles and the ability to bring oneself to solve obstacles, respectively. When comparing the mean scores of Adversity Quotient among students with different personal factors in terms of gender, found that there was no statistical difference
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