De Developing Critical Thinking of Secondary School Students using Reflection Learning Assessment Techniques
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The purposes of the research were 1) to develop assessment plans using reflection learning assessment techniques to developing critical thinking among the secondary school students 2) to try the assessment plans using reflection learning assessment techniques developing critical thinking of the secondary school students and 3) to study the results of developing critical thinking of the secondary school students by using reflection learning assessment techniques. The sample group used in this research was a number of students in grade 10, 1 classroom. The students were studying in the academic year 2021 at Nonsungsritani School chosen by group sampling method. The tools used in the research consisted of 1) assessment plans and manual using reflection learning assessment techniques 2) teaching management plans 3) a critical thinking assessment form. The statistics used were Mean, Percentage, Standard Deviation and t-test (Dependent Samples). For this research, it was a single group experiment and they were tested twice by using the pre-test and post-test.
The results showed that 1) Assessment plans the results of the data quality inspection were at the highest level and for the teaching management plan, the results of the data quality inspection were at the highest level. 2) According to the experimental use of the assessment plans using reflection learning assessment techniques to develop critical thinking among the secondary school students by using the PAOR process for 3 cycles, it was found that students were able to use reflection learning assessment techniques in each assessment plan. In each reflection technique, the students had developed those 5 critical thinking abilities. It was found that the reflection techniques that students could use well were the asking question technique and discussing reflection learning technique. Both techniques were then used in conjunction with the other techniques in the next assessment plans. And other techniques namely Constructing Concept Maps Keeping Reflective Diary Self-Evaluation and Self-Questioning. 3) The results of the study of critical thinking of students before and after the teaching found that the post-test was significantly higher than the pre-test at the .05 level.
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