Thai Language Reading Comprehension Activities Using Reflective Thinking Technique on Self-Awareness of Bangkok Primary School Students
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The purposes of the research were to 1) to develop self awareness by using the reflective thinking technique along with Thai language reading comprehension activities and 2) to compare the self awareness of the students by using the reflective thinking technique along with Thai language reading comprehension activities between before and after learning. The participants of this study were 30 students of Year 6 who were studying at Srinakharinwirot University Prasarnmit Demonstration School (Elementary) International Programme PPiP during the 2022 academic year, which were obtained from Purposive sampling. The research instruments included 1) twelve lesson plans of Thai language reading comprehension 2) An observational form for the development of self-awareness of individual students and 3) self awareness assessment form. Experts in instruction were asked to evaluate the instruments. The statistics used in data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and dependent t-test.
The results showed that 1) the student’s self awareness improved. The most improved followed by Self-assessment, Emotional awareness and Self-confidence. And 2) the student’s self awareness had increased after participating in the reflective thinking technique along with Thai language reading comprehension activities at a significant level of 0.05
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