The Changes in the Way of Life and the Economic System around Thailand - Cambodia Border: A Case Study of Phraipattana Sub-district Phusing District Sisaket

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Ekapong Wongkamjan


The purposes of this research are 1) to study the changes of the way of life and economic system around Thailand and Cambodia border; and 2) to find the ways of participation in several dimensions such as the development of security in the way of life and economy of border communities, and understanding social, cultural, and economic areas that have direct impacts on communities.

The author found that 1) the changes in lifestyles and economic systems of people in the border areas of Thailand and Cambodia as a result of the development of border areas while considering with the development of the Chong Sa Ngam area in Phrai Phatthana Sub-district in relation to the expansion of the capitalist system, the competition for the area that affects community economic development, the creation of economic and trade areas that begin to be linked to the importance of being a nation-state, Chong Sangam is a part in creating areas of the state and modern capital system that are rapidly linked in terms of information and transportation through economic processes; and 2) the ways for participation in the development of security in the way of life and economy of border communities, the study showed a rapid connection of time and place making the capital system more convenient to operate while there was more capital accumulation in the study area such as the purchase of land for speculation, investment in rubber plantation and creating a market for trade or even building facilities at the border of Chong Sa Ngam as a center of prosperity that attracted people to use their daily lives in different ways. But, at the same time, it was discovered that the capital was hidden by mechanisms and conditions to exploit people while the villagers in the Chong Sa Ngam border still have a struggle as well, only in a form that has not yet been able to change the power relationship at the structural level. Participatory approaches should create community awareness for real changes by both public and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) because the capital system is still working intensively like it can make the form of exploitation become commonplace in everyday life.

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