Study of working conditions of faculty and office level procurement officers at Sisaket Rajabhat University
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The study aimed to achieve the following objectives: 1) study the working conditions of the faculty and office level procurement officers in Sisaket Rajabhat University, 2) study the development guidelines for the working conditions of the faculty and office level procurement officers in Sisaket Rajabhat University. The target group is 50 faculty and office level procurement officers in Sisaket Rajabhat University, using purposive selection. The research instrument is a 5-level rating scale questionnaire. The statistics used for data analysis are frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and content analysis.
The research results found that 1) The working conditions of the faculty and office level procurement officers in Sisaket Rajabhat University are found to be at a moderate level overall. When considering each aspect, the aspects with the highest to lowest average values are distribution, planning, and determining the demand for procurement, control, distribution, and procurement, respectively. 2) Guidelines for the development of the working conditions of the faculty and office level procurement officers in Sisaket Rajabhat University The agency should be encouraged to prepare an annual procurement action plan and monitor the results of the operation. Personnel responsible for procurement work should be developed to have knowledge and understanding of specifying the details of the procurement correctly. Procurement officers should be developed to record the payment account correctly according to the specified regulations and laws. Procurement officers should be trained to provide knowledge and understanding of the classification of procurement and maintenance of procurement. Procurement officers should be trained to promote knowledge of the regulations and laws related to the distribution of procurement, and a manual for the distribution of procurement should be created.
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