A Construction of Life Skills Test for High School Students under The Secondary Educational Service Area Office 28

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The three purposes of this study were: 1) to construct a life skills test for high school students , 2) to verify the quality of the test in terms of discrimination, validity, and reliability, and 3) to study life skills of high school students.

                 The 400 samples in this study were students in high school under Secondary Educational Service Area Office 28 (Sisaket and Yasothorn provinces), which participated in the White School project, in the first semester of the academic year 2017. The instrument used in this study was life skills test which divided into three parts .The first part was respondents’ personal status. The second part was life skills test in critical and creative thinking aspects. Both of them were five-choice situational judgement tests. And the third part was life skills test in self-awareness, compassion, self–esteem, social responsibility, relationships building and communication, decision making and problem solving, and emotion and strain management. These test were five-rating-scale test. The first try out performed with 100 samples to verify the discrimination and reliability. The second try out performed with 400 samples to verify the construct validity by Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Second–Order CFA.

                     The research findings were as follows:

  1. Life skills test for high school students analyzed nine aspects on life skills with 42 items. The six items of five-choice situational judgement test consisted of three items of critical thinking and three items of creative thinking. The 36 items of five-rating-scale test consisted of three items of self-awareness, four items of compassion, seven items of self–esteem, four items of social responsibility, three items of relationships building and communication, twelve items of decision making and problem solving, and three items of emotion and strain management.

  2. The quality of life skills test for the content validity and index of Item Objective Congruence (IOC) were ranging between 0.60 to 1.00. The discrimination was ranging between 1.85 to 11.04 analyzed by t – test. The reliability in each factor was between 0.59 to 0.87 and the reliability of the test was 0.86. The construct validity was verified by second–order confirmatory factor analysis and found that the model was consistant with empirical data. The chi–square (gif.latex?^{X}2) was 762.92 and chi-square relationship (  gif.latex?^{X}2 / df ) was 1.01 , 0.92  Goodness of Fit Index ( GFI ). Adjusted Goodness of Fit Index ( AGFI ) was 0.90 and Root Mean Error of Approximation (RMSEA) was 0.00.

  3. The study life skills of high schools’ students under Office of Education Area School District 28 showed that the results of nine life skills were rather high. Descending sort the mean of nine life skills was creative thinking, compassion, social responsibility, self–esteem , self-awareness, emotion and strain management, decision making and problem solving, relationships building and communication. The means were 4.43, 4.24, 4.20, 4.03, 3.98, 3.90, 3.79, 3.76, and 3.69, respectively.

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Research Articles (บทความวิจัย)


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