Strategic Innovation to Develop Halal Tourism in Bang-Or Mosque Community, Bang Phat District, Bangkok
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This research aims to 1. Investigate the potentials of Bang or Mosque Community to develop integrated sustainable creative community-based Halal Tourism with strategic innovation 2. Propose approaches to develop the community-based Halal Tourism in Bang or Mosque Community, Bang Phat, Bangkok.The research uses qualitative method with the Transformative Action Learning Research: TALR Data are collected from 24 key informants belonging to public sector, private sector, people and tourists visiting Bang Or Mosque Community, Bang Phat, Research instruments are: community study checklists, tourism resource audit checklists and a structured in-depth interview and focus group form Data are verified and analyzed with triangulation and content analysis methods.
The findings reveal that 1. Bang Or Mosque Community has splendid natural, cultural, and architectural tourism resource potential, an integrated sustainable tourism management potential, participation to develop tourism potential from the community, the mosque, and the school as well as activity creation potential to raise environmental awareness and mind development for the community as well as the tourists 2. Approaches to develop integrated sustainable creative Halal Tourism with strategic innovation are to create 4 tourism brands with 4 positions: 1. “Incredible Bang or Mosque on the Bank of Chao Phaya River” with 2 strategic innovations: Bio circular green economy (BCGE) and adaptive Co-Management 2. “Visit Bang Or Mosque, studying Islam and history of 255 years old Raft Muslim urban village with 2 strategic innovations : value creation of religion and senior citizen, paradigm shift from materialism to spirituality 3. “Visit Bang Or Mosque Community, appreciating Muslim way of life, Islam Fast in Ramadan month, Celebrating Islam New Year” with 3 strategic innovations paradigm shift from capitalism to sufficiency economy, lifelong learning paradigm and transformative action learning research 4.“Visit Bang or Mosque, Enjoying gastronomy Halal Food, unifying every heart in the community with 2 strategic innovations: paradigm shift from consumerism to consumption with wisdom and cultural reproduction innovation.
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