The Development of Activity to Enhance the Integrated Learning Management Based on Active Learning for Teachers in Small-Sized Schools under Chiang Rai Primary Educational Service Area Office

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Sudapon Panyaprouks
Anuchit Wattanaporn
Ilada Maneekard
Nuttida Doungkeaw
Thatsapol Chuenchit Thatsapol Chuenchit


This research aimed to 1) develop activities to enhance the integrated learning management based on active learning, 2) compare the knowledge before and after the training of the activity to enhance the Integrated learning management based on active learning, and 3) study the opinions towards the activity to enhance the Integrated learning management based on active learning. The target group was 38 teachers in small-sized schools. The instruments were an activity handbook, a test, a questionnaire, and an observation form. The statistics used in this research were percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and content analysis.

The results of the research found that 1) There were four main activities to enhance Integrated learning management comprised: 1.1) Integration to develop learners, 1.2) Learning management and assessment of Integrated learning based on the school context, 1.3) Materials of the integrated learning based on the school context, and 1.4) Writing integrated learning lesson plans based on the school context. Four types of activities were individual, pair, small group, and big group activities. The main activities were self-reflection, explanation, discussion, giving example, case study, demonstration, group process, implementing, think-pair-share technique, Show & Share, and fishbowl technique. 2) The Integrated learning management of teachers after training was higher than before, at the statistical level of 0.01, 3) The teacher's opinion towards the activity to enhance the Integrated learning management based on active learning was at the highest level, and from the observation found that the designing of the lesson plan focused on the school and local context.

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Research Articles (บทความวิจัย)


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