Factors Affecting Consumers' Brand Loyalty towards Fast Food Restaurants in Bangkok

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Dr.Siriwan Iamsiri
Dr.Sarit Tase
Linda Chawna


                The objectives of this research were to: 1) study level of factors affecting customers’ brand loyalty towards fast food restaurants in Bangkok; and 2) examine factors affecting customers’ brand loyalty towards fast food restaurants in Bangkok. This research employed a quantitative research approach. The sample consisted of 384 consumers who were customers of fast food restaurants in Bangkok. They were selected using simple random sampling method. Data were gathered with the use of a questionnaire, and analyzed by means, standard deviation and multiple regression analysis. The results showed that when considering each aspect of marketing mix, distribution channel was rated at the highest level. As for the quality of service, when considering each aspect, tangibility of the service was rated at the highest level. For the brand image, when considering each aspect, brand was at the highest level. For brand loyalty towards the fast food restaurants, when considering each aspect, attitude was at a high level. It was also found that marketing mix which had an influence on consumer’s brand loyalty towards the fast food restaurants in Bangkok included service process, price, promotion, and physical evidence. As for service quality aspects, these included empathy, tangibility and reliability. For the brand image aspects, these consisted of atmosphere and environment and brand. All of these factors had an influence on consumers’ brand loyalty towards fast food restaurants in Bangkok, with a statistical significant level of .05.

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