The effect of lifestyle and marketing mix for online marketing on the decision-making process of the employees of the Department of Special Investigation in purchasing clean food via an online channel

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Sunisa Chewanchotbandit
Dr.Pordee Sukapun


           The objectives of this research were to: 1) study level of opinion on lifestyle, marketing mix for online marketing and decision-making process of the employees of the Department of Special Investigation in purchasing clean food via an online channel; and 2) examine effect of lifestyle and marking mix for online marketing on the decision-making process of the employees of the Department of Special Investigation in purchasing clean food via an online channel. This research employed a quantitative research methodology. The sample consisted 400 employees of the Department of Special Investigation (the Head Office) whose ages were over twenty years old and used to purchase clean food via an online channel. Data were analyzed by means, standard deviation and multiple regression analysis.
             The findings showed that most of the respondents were female, aged between 30-39 years, holding a bachelor's degree, earning around 15,001 - 30,000 baht per month. In the aspect of lifestyle, opinion was rated at a high level, and it was followed by an interest in activities. As for the aspect of marketing mix for online marketing, product was rated at the highest level, followed by price, distribution channel, privacy protection, personal service and promotion. For the aspect of customers’ purchasing decision-making process, perceived needs were rated at a high level, followed by post-purchase behavior, purchasing decision, assessment for alternatives, and information search.
            As for the analysis results of the effect of lifestyle on the customer’s purchasing decision-making process, it was found that customer’s lifestyle could predict their purchasing decision-making process in terms of their perceived needs, information search, post-purchase behavior, purchasing decision and assessment for alternatives by 29.90 percent, 21.10 percent, 17.90 percent, 17.00 percent and 16.30 percent, respectively. For the analysis results of the effect of marketing mix for online marketing on the customer’s purchasing decision-making process, it was found that factors in this group could predict customer’s purchasing decision-making process in terms of post-purchase behavior, assessment for alternatives, purchasing decision, perceived needs and information search by 31.70 percent, 29.70 percent, 24.60 percent, 20.80 percent and 17.80 percent, respectively.

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