Strengthening Hotel Management Model Based on Buddhist Integration

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วรพินธ์ กุศลสมบูรณ์


This research article has three objectives: 1) to study concepts and theories of hotel management in Thai society 2) to study the integration of dharmic principles in strengthening hotel management in Thai society and 3) to propose strengthening hotel management model based on Buddhist integration. This is qualitative research using in-depth interview with 15 key informants and studying relevant documents for appropriates principles in strengthening hotel management by adopting content analysis as well as descriptive analysis presentation. The research findings revealed that current problems and obstacles in hotel management are personnel issues, staff turnover and digital marketing competition. The applied dharma principles are Papanikadhamma 3, Iddhipada 4, Brahmavihara 4 and Sangkahavattu 4. The strengthening hotel management model based on Buddhist integration is “MBF” which consists of three strengths: (1) Management strength/M (2) Back of the house strength/B and (3) Front of the house strength/F. This model “MBF” can be applied to strengthen hotel management by building guest trust and confidence. Guest can utilize the service, be impressed, and repeat the services. If the hotel manages these three strengths, it will result in the hotel being reputable, profitable, able to build network and expand business sustainably.

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How to Cite
กุศลสมบูรณ์ ว. (2023). Strengthening Hotel Management Model Based on Buddhist Integration . The Journal of Buddhist Innovation Review, 4(2), 13–21. Retrieved from
Research Articles



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