Analyzing the Value of Tea Leaf Pillow Products


  • พวงทอง วังราษฏร์
  • สายนที ทรัพย์มี


This study analyzed the value of tea leaf pillow products in community enterprises Paa Miang Tea Pillow Group Lampang province.  The value of tea leaf pillow consists of cost and return analysis and analyze the value of investment for the production of tea leaf pillow products. The instrument used to collect data was the questionnaire and the time spent to collect the data between June and October 2018.

The study also shows that Tea Pillow Produces 14 Tea Pillow Products and total cost of producing tea leaves per year is 69,322.10 baht and the return on sales is 104,020 baht per year and the net profit is 31,097.94 baht per year. The analysis value of  10 years with interest rate of 7%  of the community enterprise group was payback period of the project is 3 months 5 days, the net present value of the project's return is 515,964.88 Baht, the return on investment projects is 154.57% higher than the 7% interest rate and profitability index was estimated at  39.61 more than 1. The project provides a cost-effective return on investment and to maximize the value of the investment. The entrepreneur should focus on cost reduction at each stage of production.


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How to Cite

วังราษฏร์ พ., & ทรัพย์มี ส. (2019). Analyzing the Value of Tea Leaf Pillow Products. RMUTL Journal of Business Administration and Liberal Arts, 7(1), 94–106. Retrieved from