Effects of Burnout Syndrome to Retirement Financial Planning.


  • Nipaphan Chanvitan Student of Master of Arts Program, Faculty of Business Administration Kasetsart University
  • Pattaragit Netiniyom Associate Professor Department of Finance, Faculty of Business Administration Kasetsart University


Burnout Syndrome, Financial Literacy Skills, Retirement Planning


This independent study aims to study the effects of financial literacy skills and burnout syndrome on retirement financial planning, including comparing financial planning to support retirement using a sample of Government Savings Bank employees who work in branches and central affairs. The primary data obtained from 400 sets of questionnaires and descriptive data analyses statistics were used in percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The inferential statistics were analyzed by multiple regression analysis

The results showed that the two samples groups with different demographic factors have different levels of financial planning for retirement and have enough savings to make a living without a primary income, since an allocation of savings each month partly, including paying contributions to the provident fund for enhancing financial wealth in the future. Most of them have the intention of saving money for retirement, which the Government Savings Bank has a policy to promote various forms of savings. As a result, the sample group had good financial planning and decided to retire before the age of 60 years old. Financial literacy skills had a positive relationship in the same direction as financial planning to support retirement because the sample group had a high level of financial literacy skills. Meanwhile, we also need to learn new things as financial advisors to improve our knowledge and enhance our expertise in line with the Bank's operations. The burnout syndrome is related to financial planning to support retirement and most of the sample groups worked hard beyond their responsibilities. If there is a high burnout condition it will lead to financial planning and preparing for faster retirement.


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How to Cite

Chanvitan, N., & Netiniyom, P. (2023). Effects of Burnout Syndrome to Retirement Financial Planning. RMUTL Journal of Business Administration and Liberal Arts, 11(2), 129–152. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/balajhss/article/view/266231