The Effects of Personalized Recommendations on Purchasing Intention in A Study of Customers in Guangxi Province, China
Personalized Recommendations, User stickiness, Purchase IntentionAbstract
This study aimed to examine the impact of personalized recommendations on user stickiness and purchase intention among customers on in Guangxi Province, China. This research was quantitative research type. Data were collected from 703 consumers who had used personalized recommendations on to purchase goods, using non-probability and purposive sampling methods. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was employed for data analysis.
The theoretical contribution of this study lied in establishing a hypotheses model and conducting empirical testing. The data analysis results indicated that among customers on in Guangxi Province, China, personalized recommendations positively impact purchase intention. The findings showed that the research result of the personalized recommendations had an impact on consumer user stickiness, most of the respondents group gave the highest level of importance to the personalized recommendation accuracy (PRA) factor at ( = 3.47). The result analysis of purchase intention among customers on in Guangxi Province, China, found that most of the respondents group gave the highest level of importance to the positively affected my decision to buy from the platform (PI5) factor (
= 3.42). The result analysis of user stickiness had an impact on consumer purchase intention, found that most of the respondents group gave the highest level of importance to the continuous use (CU) factor at (
= 3.41). The structural equation model developed to assess how personalized recommendations affect purchase intention showed a good fit with the empirical data (p < 0.001, Chi-square/df = 1.163, GFI = 0.940, TLI = 0.991, CFI = 0.992, and RMSEA = 0.015). The structural equation model indicates that personalized recommendations predict user stickiness with a coefficient of 0.791 (p < 0.001), and user stickiness impacts purchase intention with a coefficient of 0.434 (p < 0.001). Notably, when user stickiness was controlled, the influence of personalized recommendations on purchase intention was significantly with a coefficient of 0.437 (p < 0.001)
For, providing personalized recommendations involves comprehensive and specific tracking of consumer preferences, enhancing user stickiness, strengthening consumer relationships, delivering high-quality services that make consumers feel relaxed and happy during the entire shopping process, thereby increasing purchase intention. This research offers valuable insights for e-commerce platforms, highlighting the importance of strategic personalization.
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