A Model of Competency Development in Healthcare Learning Management for Teachers in Highland Schools
development model, teacher competency in healthcare leaning management, highland schoolsAbstract
The purposes of this research were 1) to study needs of teachers at highland schools to develop their competency in healthcare learning management; 2) to construct a model for their competency development in healthcare learning management; and 3) to analyze the results of using the competency development model for teachers in highland schools to perform healthcare learning management. The research instruments were needs assessment, quality evaluation model, teachers’ competency model, teachers’ satisfaction questionnaire, a result record of learning assessment, and interview form. The collected data were analyzed by using mean, standard deviation, Modified Priority Needs Index, percentage, as well as content analysis for qualitative method. The results are as follows: 1) the teachers in highland schools have the needs to develop their competencies in healthcare learning management on attitude, skill competence, and knowledge competency, respectively; 2) the model for their competency development consists of 3 factors: principles for teacher development, processes for teacher development, and monitoring procedure. Apart from the second factor, there are 4 steps of paradigm adjustment, prior knowledge review, participatory action, and inspiration building. With respect to validity quality, the model for teacher competency development reflected its possibility, appropriateness, correctness, coverage, and utilization in the highest level; 3) their development competency in healthcare learning management before and after intervention had a higher level, too; 4) the behaviors of students who had gained an understanding of healthcare learning management passed the evaluation criteria; and 5) both the parents and community worked in collaboration with teachers, and also had a good attitude towards their healthcare learning management.
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