Survey of social attitudes of northern community towards the burning of solid wastes in the residential area
social attitudes, northern community, solid wastes, residential areaAbstract
The study of social attitudes of northern communities in Thailand towards solid wastes burning in the residential area aims at 3 objectives; including 1) to study social attitudes levels of northern communities towards solid waste burning in the residential area 2) to study of factors relating to social attitudes of northern communities towards solid waste burning in the residential area and 3) to study difference between social attitudes of middle-aged and senior people groups towards waste burning in the residential area. The study was a survey research that performed by studying sampling population aged over 40 of 580 people who lives in 80 villages of meuang district and suburb areas in Chiang Mai and Lamphun provinces. The data was collected by using a questionnaire. Descriptive statistics used for analyzing were percentage, mean, standard deviation, inferential statistics i.e. Chi square test, Fisher’s exact test and t-test.
The analyzed result of social attitudes of northern communities towards solid wastes burning in the residential area showed that there was a positive attitudes level. There were factors which significantly related to this social attitudes of northern communities towards solid wastes burning in the residential area (P = 0.05), i.e. location of habitation areas, providing the knowledge to get rid of solid waste, perception of community towards solid waste burning, conscious of waste burning on environmental impact, attitude of solid waste burning forbidden and behavior of solid waste burning in the present. For the groups of 40 – 60 years old and above 60, the social attitudes of northern communities towards solid wastes burning in the residential area was found to be indifferent.
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