Irrigation System Management by Integrated Buddhist Principles : A Case Study of Mae-Taeng Operation and Maintenance Project, Chiang Mai Province
management, irrigation system, integrated BuddhistAbstract
The objectives of this research were 1) to study the concept of management based on
the principles of Buddhism, 2) to study the concept and the irrigation system management method in the Mae-Taeng operation and maintenance project; and 3) to develop a new model of Irrigation system Management by Integrated Buddhist Principles. The qualitative research methods were used in this research by ways of in-depth interviews on the monks, expert officials, community leaders and Academics. Quantitative research method was a survey with purposive sampling method, 135 persons were sampled. Percentage, mean and standard deviation were used to analyze and describe data.
The qualitative research showed that the conceptual thinking of management in Buddhism can bring to the sustainable development by priority of self-management, man management, work management and environment management. The management idea of Mae-taeng operation and maintenance project applied Public Sector Management Quality Award (PMQA) to manage the irrigation system and the wier-irrigation system management with cultural traditions of Lanna has been the way over into the community which hold traditional beliefs of the community foundation. The fraternal kinship leading to cooperation in the wier-irrigation system that everyone feels the shared ownership as well as recognition of the value of water, forest and nature that should be protected from all sides.
The quantitative research showed that the Irrigation efficiency values, the Effectiveness values and the Participation values of Mae-Taeng operation and maintenance project; (B.E. 2552 – 2555) had increased values tendency. The research result had made a new model for the irrigation system management by integrated Buddhist principles that was called “YEE Model”. This model is appropriate for managing the irrigation project following the real performance. Good irrigation system management should have coordination integration of religious, cultural traditions, and public sector management. All parties should see the importance and continuous practice seriously.
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