The Educational Management Model of Child Development Center Under SubDistrict Administrative Organization in Nan Province


  • เชาวฤทธิ์ ขจรพงศ์กีรติ สาขาวิชาบริหารการศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยกรุงเทพธนบุรี



educational management model of child development center, management model of child development center


     This dissertation was intended to develop the educational management  model of child development center Under subdistrict administrative organization in Nan province. And examined  the possible adoption of  the educational management  model of child development center under subdistrict administrative organization in Nan province. The sample consisted of 358 personnel  in subdistrict administrative organization in Nan province included Chief Executive of subdistrict administrative organization, Chairman of subdistrict administrative organization, Permanent of subdistrict administrative organization, Director of Education Religious and Culture division and Chief of child development center. To examine the possible adoption of the educational management  model of child development center under subdistrict administrative organization in Nan province by five experts.      The instruments used to collect data included an interview and questionnaire. Data analysis were using computer programs for the extraction factors (Factors Analysis), correlation coefficient between variables, confirmatory factor analysis by axial rotation method (Varimax) to determine the factors (Components).  The results of study found that.
1. The educational management model of child development center under subdistrict administrative organization in Nan province, in the opinion of personnel of subdistrict administrative organization in Nan province were six factors, including the first factor; the participation and support of all sectors and experience with 48 components. The second factor; the premises and environment with 25 components, the third factor; personnel, finance and procurement were 12 elements. The fourth factor; experienced were 13 elements The fifth factor; nutrition, hygiene with 10 elements and the sixth factor; measurement and Assessment with 10 elements.
2. The educational management model of child development center under subdistrict administrative organization in Nan province were the format consists of management patterns of child development center at six key elements, that were reasonably accurate as possible, and could put to practical used. This was consistent with the conceptual framework as the theory of research.



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How to Cite

ขจรพงศ์กีรติ เ. (2015). The Educational Management Model of Child Development Center Under SubDistrict Administrative Organization in Nan Province. Community and Social Development Journal, 16(2), 112–122.



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