Factors the Settlement and Cultivation Affecting Land Utiligation of Forest areas and Its Fire Management
Forest Fire, Forest Fire Management, , Forest Fire in the Upper Northern area of ThailandAbstract
This research has the objective for studies a council meets to confiscate of the community about the habitation and the area do to eat which , there is the relation directly build applying area the forest , in the character of the expansion pioneers forest area for cultivates the plant especially corn domesticates animals , at affect build forest fire occurrence in the Upper North area of Thailand , by the sample has that to use in the research uses the way chooses to specify fix 16 Tumbol amount areas , divide be , the Tumbol is which , be in in forest area conserves , 8 amounts are , and in reservaton National area , 8 amounts are , at have dot heat amount from most the data of control the forest fire part , natural resources ministry and the environment , which , appraise violence level of heat dot of year , 2556 Buddhist Eras are (the period is January - April 2556) thereafter get choose location village sticks or , stay in forest area has most and the researcher go to collect data research in village area aforementioned. The education researches to have variable , be , the factor from the habitation and the area do to eat of the community which , there is the indicator , compose , (1) period of dwelling time in the community , (2) using cultivated area proportion in forest area , and , (3) the attentiveness in the prevention and extinguish a forest fire , by have the variable follows , be , applying area the forest and forest fire management , in order that , get set a format both of research in quality manner and quantity manner , by the way researches quality that manner uses education community techinque participate inly , and data manner deep education from important informant , for use in hypothesis research test 1 and the way research quantity that manner use analysis statistics Multiple Regression Analysis for seek the relation of variable factor that affects to build the ability of the community in applying area the forest and forest fire management for use in hypothesis research test 2. The Research result abovementioned that
1. 16 both of village communities in forest area s conserve and reservaton National
area have depending on forest by enterring settle down to do eat and enlarge the household in forest area continuously and apply forest area by enterring picks to seek of kind plant forest most , be , every kind fungi , the vegetables is sweet , and a bamboo shoot , etc. think 66.20 percentages next are animal kind , for example , money spinner , red ant egg , etc. , think 33.80 percentages of a kind of the forest where the community enters to pick seek of the all forest , be in line with research hypothesis 1 that the community has depending on and gain an advantage from using way of life coexist with the forest ,
2. Period of time dwelling factor in a village s bear fruit to are related to build participating in s of the community s in the prevention and extinguish a fire both of forest in forest area conserve and reservaton National area , for proportion using cultivated area factor in forest area , and attentiveness factor in the prevention and extinguish a fire the forest bear fruit to are related to build the acceptance and follow mechanical the social control in the prevention and extinguish a fire the forest where affect to build applying area the forest of the community in 0.05 significance way statistics level are in line with research hypothesis 2 that the factor from the habitation and the area do to eat of the community bear fruit the manner are related to build applying area the forest and forest fire management of the community in the Upper Northern area of Thailand
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