Service Efficiency Development of Handicraft Retail Store In Chiang Mai Province
Service development, Handicraft retailer store, Souvenir, Thai tourist, Chiang MaiAbstract
The objectives of the study were to determine the factors that influence the decision of Thai tourists to choose Chiang Mai handicraft retailer in the tourist district and explore the problems in Chiang Mai handicraft retailer store. And create a distribution model for handicraft retailer store that attracts Thai tourists. This can increase revenue for the business throughout the year.
The study was a mixed methods research and there were combination between qualitative researches which use interviewing as a research instrument and quantitative research which survey research questionnaires were used to collect data. For qualitative, samples were drawn from 12 Chiang Mai handicraft retailer business samples, and 5 key informants from Government departments and agencies that have a role in supporting the business, by purposive sampling method. With quota sampling method, questionnaires were used for the quantitative data collected from the 804 Thai tourists.
The advanced statistical software is processed and analyzed data from the questionnaire. And factor analysis was used to explore the relationship of variables within the structure and group as interrelated variables. Finally, confirmatory factor analysis technique was used to create service business development model. The results showed that there were 7 groups, 1. Brand loyalty 2. Atmosphere multimedia creation 3. Ribbon 4. National local handicrafts 5. Merchandise display 6. Officer and personal, and 7. Design of Interior of factors were affected to Thai tourists in choosing Chiang Mai handicrafts retailer. With property management, the handicrafts retailer could more attractive for Thai tourists.
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