Development of Temple Management Model: Sustainable Cultural Tourist Attraction in the Upper North Area, Thailand
Temple management model, Sustainable cultural tourist attraction, The upper north areaAbstract
The objectives of this research were 1) to develop a temple management model to be a sustainable cultural attraction in the upper north area, Thailand; 2) to implement and evaluate the implementation of the model; and 3) to improve the temple management model. The sample groups were 213 people of the temple abbots, monks, and the temple committee and 200 tourists. The data was collected by using an interview form, questionnaires and satisfaction scale. The data was analyzed by frequency distribution, percentage and mean.
The research results were 1) the temple management model to be a sustainable cultural tourist attraction consisted of 5 factors 1.1) planning; study on temple context, set the objectives and guidelines to practice, and evaluate/review/adjust the plan 1.2) organizing; define the categories of work and decentralize 1.3) staffing; recruit and train people for personnel development 1.4) directing; communicate and use leadership relations 1.5) controlling; monitor/follow-up and edit to achieve the goals 2) the results of implementation and evaluation of the temple management model indicated that the model was appropriated in 3 dimensions. Most people were aware of tourist attractions and environment. The tourists were satisfied with all aspects. Local people had participated in community income and knowledge. The model was improved by adding ‘public relation’ in planning factor.
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