The causal factors of leader-member exchange, in-role job performance and innovative job performance that affecting job satisfaction of employees
Leader-member exchange, In-role job performance, Innovative job performance, Job satisfactionAbstract
The purposes of this research are 1) to study the model of causal influence of leader-member exchange (LMX), in-role job performance, innovative job performance and job satisfaction of employees, and 2) to study factors affecting job satisfaction of employees. There were 113 respondents. The statistics used in this study are frequency, percentage, Correlation Coefficient, and Path Analysis using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results showed that all variables are statistically significant related. The model fit indies and the theoretical validity of the model was consistent with all criteria. Hypothesis testing found that leader-member exchange has a positive influence on in-role job performance, innovative job performance and job satisfaction. Innovative job performance has a positive influence on job satisfaction. In addition, in-role job performance has a positive influence on innovative job performance but has no influence on job satisfaction.
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