The Influence of Electronic Business Technology Adoption on the Firm Performance of Small and Medium Businesses in Thailand
E- business adoption, Firm performance, SMEAbstract
The purposes of this study was to investigate the influencing of electronic business technology adoption on the firm performance of small and medium businesses in Thailand. A sample was selected from 400 SMEs in Thailand, using stratified random sampling method. Research instrument is questionnaire in order to provide quantitative information for statistics analysis consist of mean, standard deviation that reference by expert and the hypothesis was tested by the multiple regression on Enter method. The results indicated that e-commerce adaptation includes content presentation, transaction activities, customer demand‘s respond, and co-operative with material supplier. Regarding to descriptive and inferential statistics analysis for hypotheses testing, the findings reveal that content presentation, transaction activities, and customer demand’s respond influence firm performance, however, co-operative material supplier do not, at statistically significant 0.01 level.
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